Author Guidelines

The article framework consists of:
1. Title,
2. Abstract,
3. Introduction,
4. Research methods,
5. Results and Discussion,
6. Conclusions and suggestions.
7. Acknowledgments (Optional)
8. Bibliography

The minimum number of pages in articles in this journal is 5 pages, maximum 7 pages. Every article published here must conform to the standard rules in this guide which refer to journals published by Elsevier ( Journal writing templates can be downloaded on the website.

Research Title
The title must be concise and informative, describe the research results and variables, and the relationship between these variables can be seen in the title. The title of the article should be a maximum of 12 words.

The abstract is written in English and Indonesian, contains a brief description of the importance of the research, research objectives, methodology, results and discussion and conclusions. The abstract contains a summary of the article and contains main ideas that make readers interested and interested in reading (eye catching). Below the abstract paragraph, a maximum of 5 keywords are listed. The keywords written must be specific and frequently used in the article. Keywords will be used for indexing purposes.

This section contains background, research reasons, problem formulation, statement of purpose, and writing organization. The writing does not use subtitles (sub-headings).

The introductory section also includes a theoretical framework. The theoretical framework can use the name of the theory or method that will be used. The theoretical framework section contains the theoretical framework that will be discussed as a theoretical basis that will be used in the methodology to produce findings as results.

Research methods
This section contains the researcher's steps in conducting research, presented in a complete but concise manner. If you are collecting data, it must be explained starting from the sampling method to the analysis technique.

Research Results and Discussion
Research results and discussions must be separated and expressed in a concise and clear scientific framework, not as a series of data tables or figures.

Conclusions and suggestions
This section concludes the article. Conclusions are written without numbers, and presented in paragraph form. The implications and limitations of the research are also presented in paragraph form.

Thank-you note
If necessary and optional, you can write a thank you note which is a form of appreciation for contributions from individuals or institutions who cannot be included as authors. For example, funders of research related to this publication.

As far as possible, library/reference sources are libraries published in the last 10 years. Preferred libraries are research manuscripts in journals, conferences and/or scientific magazines. Other literature can be in the form of textbooks or research reports (including theses/final projects, theses and dissertations), but efforts will be made not to exceed 20% of the total number of library sources. Each author is required to cite manuscripts related to the title in this journal publication at least 2 citations. Writing library sources and how to refer to them using APA Style rules by utilizing software sites such as Mendeley or Zotero. The elements that must be written in the bibliography are:
Author's Last Name, Initials., Year. Article title. Journal title, Volume number (Output number/type), Page no. Place of publication:Publisher. Prefix And DOI.

Example of Bibliographic Writing:
Jariyatussholihah, J., Roshayanti, F., & Rusmiati, R. (2024). Implementation of the TaRL Approach in Class 2 Pancasila Education Subjects. Ainara Journal (Journal of Research and PKM in the Field of Education), 5(2), 113–120.

Afid, AA, Nuvitalia, D., & Sanjaya, D. (2024). The Relationship between Learning Independence and Learning Outcomes of Grade IV Elementary School Students. Ainara Journal (Journal of Research and PKM in the Field of Education), 5(2), 121–127.

Book :
Christensen, CM, 1998. The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technology Causes Large Companies to Fail. HarvardBusinessSchoolPress, Boston, MA.

Deming, WE, 1986. Exiting the Crisis. MITCenter for Advanced Engineering Study, Cambridge, MA.
Compilation Books (edited books)

Duncan, R.B., 1976. Ambidextrous organizations: designing dual structures for innovation. In: Kilmann, R.H., Pondy, L.R., Slevin, D. (Eds.), Organizational Management, vol. 1.North Holland, New York, NY, 167–188.

Seminar :
Clare, L., Pottie, G., Agre, J., 1999. Self-organized distributed sensor networks, Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Unsupervised Ground Sensor Technology and Applications, vol. 3713,Orlando,April 8, 229–237.

Thesis/thesis/dissertation unpublished:

Heinzelman, W., 2000. Application-specific protocol architectures for wireless networks, Ph.D. dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge.